When one of our incredible USS Navy ships is about to sail to the Middle East and kosher meals are not on board, Labriute goes into action.
We received the call late Friday about a Navy ship that was sailing the next day. With Shabbos around the corner, all we could do is wait until Saturday evening, then we deployed Operation Kosher MREs; we opened our warehouse, loaded a truck with a few thousand meals and two of our employees drove through the night for nine hours to meet the ship.
Labriute is the exclusive supplier of kosher meals-ready-to-eat (MREs) meals to all branches of the military and National Guard.
I was recently invited to attend and present at the JCC/JWB’s Biennial 2016 meeting in Baltimore. The JWB, “since 1917, has been to safeguard the rights, fulfill the spiritual needs, combat the loneliness and isolation and honor the service of Jews in the United States armed forces. We endorse Jewish chaplains to the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs, augmenting their resources and advocating on matters of policy.” (http://jcca.org/what-we-do/jwb/)
I was honored to have been invited by Rear Admiral Rabbi Harold Robinson who is both the Director of the JWB as well the Director of Armed Forces and Veterans Services. The meeting was a rare opportunity for me to meet and thank the chaplains that support Jewish soldiers in every branch of the military and…in every base around the world. In addition to their spiritual and personal guidance, our brave Chaplains ensure that Jewish soldiers have access to kosher meals, as Labriute is the exclusive kosher meals supplier to the US Military.
Chaplain (Col.) Carleton Birch, DLA Chaplain, U.S. Army, Staff Sgt. John (J.B.) Edmisten, Chaplain NCOIC, U.S. Army, Abe Halberstam, Founder Labriute Meals.
Coming on the heels of “Operation Passover”, Labriute’s annual shipments of Pesach meals to all of our Jewish troops, it was gratifying to know that many of our soldiers were able to enjoy a kosher-for-Pesach meal even in remote areas.
I want to thank all of the incredibly dedicated and brave Chaplains for their service and for their invaluable input that will help Labriute continue to serve our troops with military kosher meals.